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Meet the cast!Sorcha Chisholm


Updated: Jun 8, 2019

We have interviewed our cast members so you can get to know them.

Meet Sorcha Chisholm!

Tell us briefly about your work as an artist

I’m primarily a musician, singer and poet. I have released several independent albums and have been running the “Drunk Poets See God” monthly poetry event since 2013. This is my first real foray into theatre and I am really excited to be trying out something new!

What is your role in ‘Disturbance’?

My character is “the Journalist” who plays the piano. I will also be singing in the Greek chorus.

What attracts you about ‘Disturbance’?

I was really moved by poems in the book by Ivy Alvarez. They were rich in form, substance and atmosphere and I knew I had to be involved with this project to bring them to life. I also believe this story sheds light on the subject of domestic abuse and how society is complicit in its continuation.

What are some of your favourite staged performances you’ve ever seen or been in?

In 2010, I joined the TIP productions of “Pippin” and “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” as a hoop dancing circus girl and a dark faery respectively. I also worked backstage for TIP’s “The Rocky Horror Show” in 2015. My favorite stage performance experience was seeing the Puccini opera “La Boheme” with my father when I was nine years old.

Anything else you want to tell us about?

I am currently performing with the murder ballads band “The Raven’s Tale”. We are a trio that formed in November 2018. We are playing our sinister folk-blues ballads at various venues around Tokyo. More details can be found on our Facebook page.

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